三江口, 5/5/2007宁波。所谓的三江口,乃是余姚江、奉化江汇合成甬江的地方。
Ningbo. Sanjiangkou/Three Rivers' Mouth is the delta where Yuyao River and Fenghua River flows into Yong River.

保国寺 大殿, 5/2/2007保国寺保存了宋以来诸多时代的建筑样式。其大殿,更有『鸟不栖,鼠不入,蛛不结网,尘不上梁』之神奇。
With the main hall built nearly a millennium ago, the Baoguo Temple is of buildings from a wide era of history. The main hall is also famous for it is completely out of the trouble of nest, rat, web and dust.

江北教堂, 5/4/2007
鼓楼, 5/5/2007近百年来,变化翻天覆地。比如外马路上的西洋建筑,再比如鼓楼上的西式钟。
As the history in the recent century, the city changes a lot too. For example, the western buildings on the northern bond, the western clock on the traditional drum-tower.

灵桥, 5/3/2007还有桥。(众:这么说上海篇也太偷工减料了吧?桥呢? 作者:外白渡拆的时候不是很多人去照了嘛……)
And, moreover, the Ling Bridge.