Property of Apple Computer Inc.
不过话说回来,这可不见得是贾伯斯的歪招在管用。他回归苹果电脑并忙着篡位夺权的1996年,也是苹果电脑巨额亏损濒临倒闭的那一年(实际上,那一年是众多个人电脑厂家的寒冬),苹果原厂的麦金塔还拥有6.6%的市场占有率(参考Business Week的图表),而2006年则为2.8%(IDC)。虽然贾伯斯的iPod拯救了苹果电脑。
There's a new ad on Apple Computer's website. What's the new idea from Jobs?
O, ye it's 30 years. And those old competitors are gone: MITS(Telemetry Systems Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems)'s bankrupt, Xerox and IBM have gone down to other bussiness, Compaq is acquired by Hewlett-Packard. Apple Computer still lives in PC area, and it lives well.
But that's may not because Jobs' wicked idea. When he went back to Apple Computer and was busy getting the throne power, the year 1996, as it seemed going to be bankrupt (also the situation of lots PC manufactors at that time), Apple's Macintosh got 6.6% marketshare (See Business Week's chart). And in the year 2006, IDC reports a 2.8% marketshare, though Jobs' iPod saved Apple Computer.
